Justice & Civil Rights

In our nation, every individual possesses an equal right and shared responsibility to actively engage in our democracy and civic processes. At the core of this belief lies the fundamental principle that all people, irrespective of their background, deserve justice and fairness. However, far too often, communities across the country, particularly Black communities, have endured the grave realities of discriminatory and violent policing, where lives, safety, and freedom are unjustly threatened.

It is our collective commitment to ensure that every individual feels secure within their own homes, vehicles, and streets, free from the specter of police violence. By championing social justice and civil rights, we strive to create an inclusive society where the protection of basic human rights and the eradication of systemic inequalities stand as paramount objectives. Together, we can dismantle the barriers that obstruct progress and work towards fostering a safer, more just, and equitable future for all.

Every American has an equal right and responsibility to fully participate in our democracy and civic processes, and all people have a right to justice and fairness.

Quick Facts

Increase in gun deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic [1]


New Yorkers unable to vote in 2016 election due to 25-day deadline [2]


Black adults are more likely to be stopped by police due to race [3]

Our Initiatives

The Center for Social Responsibility and Justice

Our center is dedicated to bridging the gap between communities and law enforcement. Recent events have eroded the trust in our police forces, making transparency, open communication, and active community involvement more vital than ever in rebuilding this critical relationship

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Reclaim Your Vote

In response to a relentless campaign aimed at suppressing the voting rights of underserved communities, the Urban League initiated Reclaim Your Vote. This powerful initiative is committed to educating community members about their rights and ensuring they're equipped to exercise their right to vote.

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Urban League Fights for You

State legislatures are leading attacks on voting rights, and extremists are manipulating the legal system to limit access to higher education and the workforce. None of this is by accident, but the National Urban League has a plan to work alongside the Urban League movement, our civil rights partners, and elected officials to create a future where every American is safe, has fundamental human rights, and can achieve their own version of the American Dream.

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State of Black America

The State of Black America® is the signature annual reporting of the National Urban League. Since its first appearance in 1976 under the stewardship of the late Mr. Vernon E. Jordan Jr., the organization’s fifth president, the State of Black America® remains one of the most highly-anticipated benchmarks and sources for thought leadership around racial equality in America across economics, employment, education, health, housing, criminal justice and civic participation.

[1] Kegler, Scott R., et al. “Vital Signs: Changes in Firearm Homicide and Suicide Rates — United States, 2019–2020.” MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 71, no. 19, 10 May 2022, https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm7119e1.
[2] “Analysis: Young Voters Hurt Most by Voter Registration Deadline.” New York Civil Liberties Union, 7 Apr. 2022, www.nyclu.org/en/news/analysis-young-voters-hurt-most-voter-registration-deadline.
[3] DeSilver, Drew, et al. “10 Things We Know about Race and Policing in the U.S.” Pew Research Center, 3 June 2020, www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/06/03/10-things-we-know-about-race-and-policing-in-the-u-s/.